
Thursday, January 16, 2014

Craigslist Picture

Ok so I will have to Admit although I am not super girly I do love girly frilly things and I was in love with this picture since I had first seen it at Hobby Lobby and I just never got around to buying it although the price was not to extreme because I have seen paintings of this size go for a pretty penny even though they are knock offs. I had to have it I just did not get around to buying it and every time I would run into it I would not have the funds to actually purchase it. I was thinking to myself will I ever be able to get this painting if it's not meant to be it's not meant to be!
Well one day while browsing craigslist I came across the infamous painting I thought to myself can this be AHA! We meet again at Last…. Now How Much is the Question? and I hope this is not one of those fake ads or scams reason being is because of the price they were asking for it and also because there was only one photo of this item. So I did some research and contacted them asking if the item was still available and if so how much were they asking for it again. To my luck it was still available and boy did I jump on it and you would have to pry it from my GI Joe Kung fu Grip to take it away from me! So I packed up Myself and Tino for a small road trip into the city I drove 45 Miles to pick this baby up being that I live out in the boonies and we either have to drive 8 miles to the next town to go to the grocery store or 45 Miles to the Big City but well worth the drive! I scored this lovely for $15 in excellent shape no scratches or dents it was in real good condition I was so excited that I could not wait to get it home. So Tino and I hit the road back home the whole time Tino is just enjoying the ride and probably thinking to himself MOM really all of this for a painting You Better Believe it Son!

Now upon unloading my son and then unloading this Picture I came across the tag on the back of it and to my surprise I scored this baby cheap! Now I have a perfect spot for this I am not giving away where yet but there will be a picture real soon until then stay tuned!

So those who say you cannot find nothing good on craigslist the proof is in the pudding!
Thank you for Stopping by!

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